Justin Lucke
Level III Trek Precision Fitter, Level II USA Cycling Coach, Level II IBFI

About Justin
Justin has been riding and racing bikes for almost 30 years. From his first mountain bike race in high school he was hooked, eventually teaching Category 1 in both road and mountain. After a 13 year detour in and out of practicing law (including a stint as a chef at Google, managing product as a "cycling guru" at a startup fitness social network, and partnering in a bike shop) Justin came back into the cycling fold full time almost 8 years ago working as a fitter and high end sales expert at City Cycle in SF (eventually merging with and working for Trek). In the mean time, Justin also began working part time with RIF until the end of 2019 when he was able to make the switch to RIF full time!
Bike fits have always been an obsession for Justin, trying to optimize cleat position and bike setup from the outset. After discovering the value of fit from some of the masters (including Curtis), Justin made it a point to learn from the best when he embarked on his own fitting career. Trek Precision Fit Level 1 was the first stop - basic motion capture and anatomy. But it was the advanced pressure mapping, anatomy and integrated diagnostic tools of Levels 2 and 3 that really kicked fitting into gear. At this point Justin embarked on an intensive internship with Curtis that brought everything full circle and incorporated the integrated tools that RIF is known for. Justin is also certified at Level 2 by the International Bike Fitting Institute.

Justin is also very experienced with cycling fitness, having been certified as a Level 2 coach by USA Cycling. He also spent his racing career focusing on improving his own performance by familiarizing himself with what does and does not make a difference. This distinction informs every fit he performs since bio mechanics on the bike is ultimately at the service of aerobic development.
Justin's bike fit practice focuses on making sure that a rider's fit doesn't get in the way of success. Whether success is defined as making the break in a race or completing a 30 mile ride without discomfort.
"Such an amazing experience! Justin found immediate changes that needed to be made and they have improved my comfort on the bike immensely! Highly, highly recommended!."
~Mark C.
"Justin Lucke is knowledgeable, friendly and a good communicator. I had an all around an excellent bike fitting session and would certainly go back."
Justin M.
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